By Melanie Watson, IT Governance
30 November 2011
With the ITIL 2011 editions coming out earlier this year, there has been great hype amongst the new publications. But with just an 'updated' edition and not a new version, there is question to wonder whether there is a need to upgrade at all. Will ITIL v3 suffice? Or should you take the plunge and upgrade?
In a series of short videos, Ian Clayton (IT Service Management expert and author of USMBOK) gives his honest opinion on the ITIL 2011 publications. The 5 videos reflect the 5 core titles which make up the ITIL Lifecycle Suite.
ITIL 2011: Service Strategy
This new publication from the OGC contains a number of changes, one of which is the fact that it's a lot bigger than ITIL V3; by an additional 160 odd pages. A third of this increase is due to improved presentation, meaning that the OGC have created a book that is easier to read and digest.
ITIL 2011 Service Strategy (SS) has introduced 110+ new terms, including Internal and External Customers and Services, and a detailed explanation in the form of an 8-step approach on how to define services. SS now includes the scope of business and IT strategy management, with dramatic improvements made to the description on how finances are managed in an IT organisation from a service perspective (this draws strongly upon the model from ITIL V2). There are now 2 new processes which are welcome editions to the books; 'Strategy Management for IT' and 'Business Relationship Management' - these represent mandatory reading for those forming a service management initiative.
Along with additional new terms and processes, there are also some terms which have been taken out for a clearer revision. The confusion around responsibilities of a Product and Services Manager, which was found in ITIL V3, are now resolved. The term Product Manager is no longer used, and Service manager is now redefined. Another noteworthy exclusion for those studying for Intermediate Certificates is the removal of the Service Portfolio 'bubble diagram'. Replacing the bubble diagram is a new process diagram for the service portfolio management process.
This new publication will have a significant impact to those studying for the Intermediate lifecycle syllabus and will be extremely important impact to those using ITIL, those graphing a service management initiative or those studying for subsequent levels of certificates. This Service Strategy publication and the role it plays for setting the scene and parameters for all subsequent ITIL service lifecycle stages means it should likely be mandatory reading prior to reading, or studying any of the core lifecycle publications. This ITIL 2011 update has undergone a major technical edit with a greater emphasis on standards.
Overall, this refurbished, refreshed core publication is a welcome addition to a professional's reference library.
ITIL 2011: Service Design
This publication has undergone a moderate, contextual edit. One immediate impact to those studying for ITIL Foundation certificate is the inclusion of the Design Coordination process. However, it is unlikely that any of these changes will affect Foundation training or certificates.
The new and enhanced content will have minimal impact to those considering the Intermediate Lifecycle Syllabus too. This is emphasised (and even endorsed) by comments from official sources within guidance provided to accredited training organisations regarding the syllabus.
This book has been the subject of a minor to moderate technical and contextual edit. It now includes specific statements of purpose and scope and previous goals have been brought forward to the introduction to ensure consistency with other lifecycle publications. A new process has been added to explain how design activities are planned and coordinated. The description of roles within Service Design has been extended to ensure each process is covered and there is also a new section dedicated to the use of 'RACI' charts to help explain how process actors may be documented.
Service Design now includes information and guidance on how best to integrate a Service Design function into an existing IT organisation.
ITIL 2011: Service Transition
There is no immediate or long-term impact for professionals studying for the ITIL Foundation Certificate with this book. The new and enhanced content (even considering the important modifications to change management) will have minimal impact to those considering the Intermediate Lifecycle syllabus, as represented by comments from official sources.
Overall, Service Transition has undergone a minor contextual edit. As in all the core publications, a comprehensive statement of purpose and set of goals is now included in the introduction. Diagrams have been giver better treatment to improve readability, and additional comprehensive guidance is provided on the concept of change models. New guidance is given on change proposals and important clarification and additional guidance has been added for how the Change Management Process operates.
ITIL 2011: Service Operation
This publication has undergone a minor to moderate edit. There is improved guidance for event, incident, problem, access management and request fulfillment. These improvements are augmented by updated process flow diagrams for event, incident and problem management.
The discussion on application management now clearly differentiates between its responsibilities and involvement in the service lifecycle with that of application development.
ITIL 2011: Continual Service Improvement
In this publication there is now a singular focus on one process, the seven-step improvement process. Improved guidance integrates the seven step process with the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. We also see the addition of one major artefact and concept, the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) register. An updated process flow diagram integrates the seven-step improvement process with both the data information knowledge wisdom concept and the PDCA 'Deming' cycle.
A new addition is the 'continual service improvement register, the 'CSI register'. This is a database or structured document used to record and manage improvement opportunities throughout their lifecycle.
In conclusion, Ian Clayton's videos give a stark and honest opinion to the ITIL 2011 updates. The most amount of changes that occur in the suite, are in the Service Strategy publication. The rest of the books contain minor to major contextual edits. However, all the changes made (whether to processes, diagrams or terms) are an improvement on ITIL V3.
The 5 core books contain comprehensive statements of purpose, and sets of goals in the introduction (whereas before they were dispersed throughout the publications) and all the diagrams have been given extra treatment to improve readability. The books also have a detailed description of their inputs and outputs.
So, if you're contemplating upgrading to ITIL 2011, then first assess your needs. Service Strategy would definitely suggest mandatory reading, whereas the other core publications contain minor to moderate contextual edits. All five books now work well together with terms and processes simplified.
Watch all five video's at IT Governance Ltd's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/ITGovernanceLtd
Article provided by http://www.itgovernance.co.uk.