The following is not a definitive list, but hopefully conveys some of the fundamental benefits, if we have missed any benefits that you believe should be included then please let us know.
- A documented approach
- Global recognition
- Accredited educational companies
- Increased and improved effectiveness and efficiency of an organization
- Potential to positively effect an organizations profits and share prices
- Improved interaction and functioning within the IT/IS department
- Improved interaction and functioning with the Business and Customer community
- Vocabulary and terms understood by all who have undertaken ITIL education irrespective of industry sector, country or continent
- Recruited ITIL qualified personnel are potentially able to integrate into another ITIL organization so much easier
- Specific roles can be recruited so much quicker and easily
- Outsourcing companies can be audited against ITIL best practice
- ISO /IEC 20000 provides the confidence for customers and purchasers of an organizations services, on both a country and global basis
One of our visitors has also suggested;
- Improved customer satisfaction through a more professional approach to service delivery
- Improved IT services through the use of proven best practice processes
- Improved ROI of IT
- Improved delivery of third party services
Do you have any more..... leave your comments below...