No organization is the same as a consequence ITIL disciplines and function cannot be implemented in the sequence as they appear in the ITIL Service Support and ITIL Service Delivery books. To determine a sequence, which is applicable to your organization the following options are suggested:
- Speak to the staff on the 'frontline' regarding where they believe improvements could be made or what causes the most difficulties or negative impacts.
- Undertake the completion of an ITIL self-assessment, which can provide an indication of the maturity of the organizations processes.
- Buy-in the services of a third party to independently assess the maturity of where an organization is with regard ITIL. This is often the preferred option as often senior management are reluctant to accept recommendations from internal staff due to the bias provided by organizational politics or individual / personal objectives. As a consequence management are often reluctant to take the risk of being accountable for any decisions, which could be judged to be founded upon political or an individuals personally motivated objectives.
Having collected your data and identified the existing or potential areas of concern the organization then needs to determine the priorities in which it wishes to address the areas.