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ITIL v3 definitions for Event Management
Let's start by providing the ITIL definitions for an 'Event' and 'Event Management':
  • Event - A change of state that has significance for the management of a Configuration Item or IT Service.

  • Event Management - The process responsible for managing Events throughout their lifecycle.
Technical, Application, IT Operations Management and Service Desk
Event Management is often undertaken by Technical or Application Management or if it exists separately, IT Operations Management or Service Desk. It is common place for Event Monitoring and first line support to be provided by IT Operations Management. Operators in each of the areas will be tasked with monitoring events, responding as required, which may include generating incident reports. The instructions regarding what needs to be done when and by whom should be defined in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
Where an Operations Bridge exists, Event Monitoring is often a fundamental responsibility, together with the initiation, coordination and even performing the responses required by the service such a first-level support for those events that generate an incident.


2011-02-01 by "sucharitac"

This is what I was looking for. This is good reference.

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Tags; Event Management,ITIL definitions,IT Operations Management,Service Desk,Configuration Item,IT Service,Application Management,IT Operations Management,Service Desk,Event Monitoring,Standard Operating Procedures
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