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What are the operational challenges Brazilian IT Service Managers face?

Have you ever wanted to know how ITIL is running in other organisations? In other countries? In other cultures? 

Brazilians have a good reputation worldwide for managing IT services, however we all know that nothing is perfect or always black and white.

In this book, Daniel Ramalho has anonymously assessed forty-five IT executives from different blue chip organisations based in Brazil and compiled all of their operational challenges. Things like lack of sponsorship, IT bureaucracy and poor stakeholder management sounds very familiar and it seems to be the same bottle necks that you will face in any organisation anywhere around the world.

This book is a compilation of the common IT service management gaps you will ever find. The evidence compiled in this book will help you to have insights on how to best run your IT operations, so that you can avoid some of the IT operational challenges that Brazilian IT service managers are currently facing after implementing ITIL processes in their organisations.

In this book, the author has overcome the language and cultural barrier to tell us the truth behind IT Service Management in Brazil. A must read for anyone in IT interested in learning how a global IT best practice framework can also be local.

If you have read it, do let us know your thoughts and feedback.

Here's a link to the book on Amazon:

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Tags; operational challenges,Brazilian,IT Service Managers
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