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Entry into the ITIL Vendor Directory is free for companies actively providing;

  • ITIL Consultancy
  • ITIL Training
  • ITIL Books
  • ITIL Software
  • ITIL Recruitment

Companies may have a Directory entry for each country where they have a physical office location.



When a directory entry is marked as an APPROVED VENDOR, this means we have communicated directly with the supplier and have collected at least five customer testimonials.

We publish these testimonials via a link on the vendor directory entry, but remove the contact details for privacy reasons.

We charge $US99 per year (at the time of writing - price on application) for an APPROVED VENDOR listing.  This is to cover the costs of gathering and checking the company information and, where required, verifying the testimonials.


PARTNER entries

When a directory entry is marked as a PARTNER, this means we have communicated directly with the supplier and have organised a commercial relationship with them to include their company, products or services in The Directory.

This may be through payment for their listing, or through an affiliate scheme whereby we make a commission on any sales generated as a result of their listing.


Basic Terms;

We reserve the right to accept or refuse any Directory entry.

We reserve the right to remove any Directory entry, without refund where relevant, including APPROVED VENDOR or PARTNER entries, for any reason, included but not limited to;

  • if we discover the information provided is incorrect
  • we receive negative feedback about the listed company
  • we do not receive the necessary remuneration for the entry
  • the listed company fails to return communications from us in request for information

We do not warrant that will be available five nines (99.999%) but will endeavour to ensure maximum possible availability when this is within our own control (i.e. we cannot control hosting, connection or world event issues).

Entry into the Directory does not mean we are providing any form of recommendation.  If you have any complaint about a company listed in the Directory do let us know and we will investigate.


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Tags; ITIL Directory,TIDY,ITIL Vendors,ITIL Suppliers,ITIL products, ITIL Service,ITIL Books,ITIL Training
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