The ITILnews.com site is for the benefit of all the people who are interested in the advancement ITIL, it is where you can gather information and have your say. If there is anything we have missed, let us know and we will put it up for everyone. If you disagree with some aspect of what we do, or you think that it could be done better then let us know. We are based in the UK where ITIL started, and as it becomes global it stands to reason that there will be a different approach from other parts of the itilnews, and we are keen to learn the lessons as they occur.
Where do we go from here
Now that we have published the core information about ITIL here in these pages, our main aim is to keep it up to date and promote best practice in Service Management based on the ITIL principles. Those of you who are more experienced in ITIL will hopefully share information with visitors who have heard something about this best practice in IT Service Management and are looking for more detail.
Do you have any Case Studies?
Send them in, let us know how you are getting on with ITIL, the good times and the not so good times.
Do you want to nominate anyone you know who has had a particular success in ITIL, writing a book, leading a project, or something similar. Send us a Description of the contribution they have made and a profile of the individual with a photograph if possible and we will put it up.
Have you been to any seminars or conferences lately? how did you get on and what were the most important aspects for you, and why? Let us know. If you are aware of any functions coming up send us the details and we will promote them.
This website is maintained on your behalf and aims to be the definitive information source for the framework known as ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library, the accepted method of best practice in management of IT for business the world over. This site is managed by fully qualified, industrially experienced ITIL consultants, for the global advancement and effective management of IT in business.
If you want to make contact with us directly with any suggestions, ITIL, ITIL v3, ITIL training, please do so (click here).