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ITIL v3 free PDF download
The ITIL v3 Qualification scheme is somewhat complex. Individuals and organizations alike will benefit from the clear and concise information contained within the qualifications brochure.
Although produced in 2008 it still remains relatively current and up to date.
Pages ten and eleven contain two halves of a diagram that when placed side by side are easy to read. The reader may need to consider printing the two pages for practical purposes - for the environment only print if really necessary.
Finally, and up to date list of the Examination Institutes can be found clicking on the phrase highlighted in blue.
The free download (pdf) can be obtained by clicking the following phrase; ITIL Service Management Practices V3 Qualifications Scheme Brochure.


2016-08-08 by "fsanchez.pmp"

I got the ITIL v2 Practitioners Support and Restore certification (3.5 credits) - can I use these credis for the ITIL EXPERT certification?
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