Establishing effective Service Level Management (SLM) requires Service Level Agreements (SLA) to be defined and agreed with the Business or Customer community. The contents of the SLA should be clear and concise, objective and measureable. Having agreed the SLA the next stage is to report against the SLA.
To obtain the necessary buy-in and confidence from the Business / Customers, the report needs to accurately reflect the availability of the relevant services provided and agreed to in the Service Catalogue â" the Service Catalogue may be attached to the SLA as an Appendix.
The formulas below offer one approach to establishing the availability of a service and depending on the level of detail contained within the Service Catalogue, together with the information collected when an Incident occurs (Incident Management), the second formula provides the opportunity to determine the availability of a Customer / Business group, region or location:
Agreed Hours - (Incident(s) x Duration) | x | 100 |
Agreed Hours | | 1 |
The above formula provides a means whereby the availability of a service can be calculated for a specified period.
The second formula provides a means of calculating the availability of a specific group, region or location, where the service is delivered. It is important to remember the accuracy is dependant upon the Incident being reported to IT in the first place and secondly the data captured whilst recording the Incident:
Agreed Hours x No. of Users - sum of (Incident x Duration x %. of Users Affected) | x | 100 |
Agreed Hours x No. of Users | | 1 |
Hopefully the above formulas assist you with constructing your Service Level Agreements. If you have different formulas or approaches to determining the availability of your services why not share them with ITILnews.com and its community.