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ITIL Service Asset Configuration Management KPIs
At we are committed to providing value to the Service Management marketplace.  This article provides those of you responsible for Service Asset and Configuration Management with a suggested set of Key Performance Indicators KPIs that you can utilise.
% of software licenses used
Percentage of software licenses used relative to the total software licenses deployed. Split by license per software application.
% of licences purchased and not accounted for in configuration repository
Percentage of licences purchased and not accounted for in the configuration repository.
% of inaccurately registered CIs in CMDB
Percentage of Configuration Items (CIs) that have been registered inaccurately in the Configuration Management Database CMDB. This KPI could be determined by checking a sample set of CIs or those identified by the Service Desk whilst recording incidents against CIs  - if Incident Management is integrated with the CMDB.
% of CIs monitored for performance
Percentage of Configuration Item (CIs) that are monitored for performance with systems monitoring tools, relative to CIs that are used to provide services to end-users.
Incident impact rate incomplete CMDB
This KPI monitors the number of closed incident tickets/records that are not related to a CI record relative to all incident tickets/records closed in a given time frame.
% of audited CIs
This KPI monitors the number of deployed CIs with an audit date in a given time period relative to the total number of all deployed CIs.
% of CIs under maintenance contract
This KPI monitors the number of deployed CIs that are within their warranty or are related to a valid maintenance contract, relative to the total number of deployed CIs.
% of incidents not solved in-time due to inaccurate configuration data
Percentage of incidents not solved in-time due to inaccurate configuration data, relative to all incidents solved within the measurement period.
Cost of CMDB reconciliation
Cost of performing a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) reconciliation. This reconciliation makes sure that the CMDB represents the actual IT infrastructure.
Average time between CMDB reconciliation
Average time (e.g. in days or hours) between two consecutive Configuration Management Database (CMDB) reconciliations. This reconciliation makes sure that the CMDB represents the actual IT infrastructure. In mature organizations such reconciliation is fully automated, and therefore this KPI might not be of value.
Average time period between identifying and rectifying a discrepancy
Average time period (lag) between identifying a discrepancy and rectifying it.
% of unauthorized CI's in the IT infrastructure
Percentage of unauthorized CI's in the IT infrastructure.
Number of deviations between configuration repository and actual configurations
Number of deviations identified between the configuration repository and actual asset configurations.
Average audit cycle of CIs
Average time between audits of Configuration Items (CIs) as residing in the CMDB.
% of CIs mapped onto IT services in the CMDB
Percentage of Configuration Items mapped onto IT services in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) relative to all Configuration Items that can be related to IT services.
We have sourced the above from If you have any further KPIs then please feel free to share them with us...


2012-02-05 by "brummieruss"


2012-03-14 by "patisujit"

Very good list of KPIs. Helps a person who knows little about configuration management. I am recently dealing with a Lean improvement in this process area. This gave me a good insight, what can be improved. Thanks
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Tags; ITIL,Service Asset,Configuration Management,KPIs
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