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ISO IEC 20000 Expands
The various representatives of the countries who assist in the development of ISO/IEC 20000 met in Berlin, during May 2008. It is understood that agreement was reached to develop three addition 'parts' to ISO/IEC 20000, bringing the number of parts to five. Furthermore updates will be made to the existing parts (1 and 2).
The high level plan is thought to be as follows:
ISO/IEC 20000-1
  • Introduce closer links with ISO 27001, the information security standard
  • Changes to reflect international use, for example, language
  • Improved common quality management system to allow easier use with other management systems
ISO/IEC 20000-2
  • Improved mapping to Part 1
  • Overall increased detail
It has been suggested that consideration will be made with regards to ITIL Version 3 and the contents of Parts 1 and 2.
ISO/IEC 20000-3
  • Provide advice with regards scoping, applicability, and conformity.
ISO/IEC 20000-4
  • Process Reference Model
  • Process Assessment Model
ISO/IEC 20000-5
  • Exemplar Implementation Plan
The schedule for the delivery of the updated and the introduction of the new parts for ISO/IEC 20000 as agreed in May 2008, are as follows:
Part 1 - 18 months
Part 2 - 12 months after Part 1 (30 months)
Part 3 - 12 months
Part 4 - Process Reference Model 12 months
              Process Assessment Model 6 months after Process Reference Model
Part 5 - 18 months
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Tags; ISO/IEC 20000 Expands,ISO/IEC 20000,ISO/IEC 20000-1,ISO 27001,ISO/IEC 20000-2,ISO/IEC 20000-3,ISO/IEC 20000-4, ISO/IEC 20000-5
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