From ILX...
Benefits of the ITIL seminar for attendees:
- Hear from an expert ITIL trainer delivering a detailed overview of ITIL
- Benefits of ITIL to yourself as an individual, your company and your projects
- Learn about the recent ITIL 2011 syllabus updates
- Significant discounts on ITIL training
- Invaluable advice for your training requirements
- Ground breaking e-learning demonstration and technology developments
- Networking with like-minded people in the service management industry
- All for no charge!
The presentation will be led by our Head ITIL Trainer Mike O'Brien. Mike will deliver a detailed overview of the ITIL framework and the benefits of itil for organisations and individuals.
There are limited spaces available and the London seminar is free to attend.
Time, date and location: 29th November, 13:00pm - 14:30pm: Novotel Tower Bridge, 10 Pepys Street, EC3N 2NR
Register here http://www.itiltraining.com/gb/freeitilseminar.asp