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The 7 Step Improvement Process
The Continual Service Improvement (CSI) process or 7 Step Improvement process explains how to measure and report on service improvement.  There are close links between this process and the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle which should feed into the Service Improvement Plan or SIP.
It is extremely important to baseline in order to find out where we are now so that any improvements or deficiencies can be measured against the original marker.
The 7 steps include:
  • What should you measure? - the 'vision' (strategic and/or operational) will feed into this step
  • What can be measured? - what can IT and the business actively measure that will be of benefit to the organization
  • Gather Data (measure) - so has the organization reached its goal based on the vision, mission, goals and objectives that have been previously set
  • Process Data - determining the correct style and format to each business unit
  • Analyze Data - trends, discrepancies and associated explanations are prepared for discussion with the business
  • Present and use information - the business/stakeholders are informed as to whether the goals have been achieved or not
  • Implement Corrective Action - document improvements, add to the Service Improvement Program (SIP), create a new baseline and start the 7 steps again.
There are links to other processes such as Knowledge Management, in particular when turning information into knowledge as part of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom lifecycle.


2012-04-11 by "aysha.hoosen"

Concise, to the point explanation of each of the 7 steps. It will help me facilitate a session of CSI to my team and get them thinking in laymans terms.

2014-12-31 by "mlcd.spqr"

I am confused as to how precisely this ties in. Is the 7 step improvement process synonymous with CSI? Reading this post, it appears so. If that is the case, then what are the 6 steps that your ITIL book has under CSI (1, Vision, 2, Where are we now, 3, etc..)? Is the 7 step improvement process supposed to be under one of the six CSI steps? This is very confusing since different sources essentially define CSI as being potentially 1 of 2 things.

2017-03-08 by "m.hill"

ITIL refers to the 6 step CSI implementation plan - how to bring about a CSI culture and plan to implement CSI into your organisation, whereas the 7 step improvement plan is how to improve a particular process or service in your organisation.
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Tags; 7 Step Improvement process,ITIL perspective,Continual Service Improvement,Service Improvement Plan,Knowledge Management
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